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Yurko, Salvesen & Remz, P.C.
One Washington Mall, 11th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02108-2603
Harvard Law School, J.D., 1979, cum laude.
Editor, Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review.
Dartmouth College, A.B., 1975,
summa cum laude.
Career Moves
Following law school, Rich clerked for United States District Court Judge
James Lawrence King in the Southern District of Florida. Rich began practicing
law at the Boston firm of Bingham, Dana & Gould. In February 1985,
Rich joined Widett, Slater & Goldman where he later became a shareholder
and the chair of the litigation department. Rich also served a stint as
a shareholder and chair of the litigation department of Hutchins, Wheeler
& Dittmar. Rich founded Yurko, Salvesen & Remz on January 1, 1995.
One client at a time, Rich has built a reputation for high-quality work,
for rock-solid advice, and for adherence to the highest standards of service
and ethics. His practice is concentrated
on business litigation matters, including commercial, professional liability,
antitrust, employment and securities litigation. He has successfully represented
individuals, stockholders, officers, directors, professionals, closely-held
companies, partnerships, lenders, and Fortune 500 companies in state and
federal courts, and in arbitration and mediation.
Professional and Community Involvement
- President, International Network of Boutique Law Firms (INBLF), Massachusetts Chapter
Member, Boston Bar Association
Member, American Bar Association
Board of Editors, The Boston Bar Journal
Board of Directors and Treasurer, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)
Taught legal research and writing, Boston University School of Law, 2004-2009
Former President, Frank J. Murray Inn of Court
Chair, Boston Bar Association’s Mentoring Committee, 1998-2004
Member, Boston Bar Association Ad Hoc committee on Business Litigation Session, 1999-2000
Chair, Boston Bar Association’s Antitrust Committee, 1996-1997
Awards and Recognition
Publications and Seminars
All in the Family, Boston Bar Journal, November 2013
Don't Click This Article, Boston Bar Journal, September 2012
Attorney Departures Meet New Marketplace Realities: Re-examining
Meehan, The Boston Bar Journal, Fall 2010
Mentoring - A guide for both sides, The Boston Bar Journal
Frequent speaker at Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education programs.
Co-authored Massachusetts Civil Practice Guide, a 1997 manual on
Superior Court practice.
Co-authored an article entitled
Section 1 of The Sherman
Act: Horizontal Restraints of Trade, for inclusion in a Massachusetts
Continuing Legal Education publication.
Co-authored Ciardi
v. F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd.: Indirect Purchaser Actions Under G.L. c.
93A, § 9, for inclusion in a Massachusetts Continuing Legal
Education publication.